Carver Lab
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The John and Marcia Carver Nonprofit Genetic Testing Laboratory
Physician Login
Regarding Sample Submitted
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Questions? See our list of FAQs
I'd like to check the status of a test. How can I do that?
How can I check the status of a family members' test?
Why does genetic testing take so long?
Is there anything you can do to expedite testing? (In other words, we're anxious; please hurry!)
Why haven’t I heard anything from the Carver Lab?
Will someone contact me when my genetic test is complete?
Now that I have my confidential "Identifier" will you publish my test results online?
Our referring physician ordered more than one test for my child; we paid for more than one test, and yet the final results report our physician received only mentioned the results of one of those tests. Why is that?
My child had a genetic test performed and the test was "negative". My husband and I submitted blood samples as well. When can we expect the results of our tests?
I have questions about my test results. Would it be possible to speak to someone?
I would like to consult with a genetic counselor. How can I locate a genetic counselor in my area?
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Retrieved Mon, 2025-03-31 18:27
Last modified Sun, 01/11/2009 - 21:31